Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year Rant

Well, I decided to start off a New Year's rant because somebody needed to say it.
I love it when people don't know how to spell easy words. It doesn't take very long to spell out the actual word. Instead of putting "U" you could spell out "You". Instead of putting "Wut" you could put "What". Instead of putting "Ik" you could put "I know".
Instead of putting "4" you could put "For". Instead of putting "2" you could put "To"
This is basic spelling. Why can't' people see that?
Sigh. Unfortunately, some people are just too dumb to spell. They text a lot and then they wonder why they can't spell. I mean, I text and I use CORRECT spelling and CORRECT use of sentences. I just wish that people would get with it already. It's not that hard to spell out a word or something.

Another thing, if I haven't talked with you in awhile and I wanna talk with you, it'd be nice if you would talk back with me. I mean, I make the effort to talk to you and you ignore me. Now I understand that you're busy and whatever and I can respect that, but when you talk with OTHER people and IGNORE me, then I get pissed off.

So, in my New Year's Resolution, I told myself that there wouldn't be any DRAMA.
Word: Drama
Part of speech: Noun
Definition 1: any situation or series of events having vivid, emotional, conflicting, or striking interest or results.
Definition 2: The quality of being dramatic.

Last year was filled with so much drama and EVERYBODY kept asking me for advice, but when I asked for advice, they blew me off. Everybody wanted to involve me in their drama and it was pissing me off to no end. Drama is for plays, but some whiny, stuck up fucking bitch cries out when they don't get their way or they start a fight, spread a rumor or whatever. This is is going to be different. Sure, I'll give you my advice but I'm telling you to solve it yourself and leave me out of it. I'm DONE with being the middle man. I'm DONE taking sides. You're all adults, so FIGURE IT OUT!

Well, I start college tomorrow and my first class is at 9.30am. I'm happy. :)

And another thing! (I know, I know. You're probably thinking 'Get to the point, Rio!') I'm going to be hella honest with everybody and speak my mind. My mother is always telling me "Don't tell the truth, sometimes it's better for people not to hear you be so blunt. I know that you're very opinionated, but people don't wanna hear it"
Why the fuck not? It's true! I'm VERY opinionated and will speak my mind, but I'm not RUDE. I'm respectful and know when to keep my mouth shut. If I happen to be talking about you and you over hear me, then that's your fault. I was just merely expressing what I was feeling or saying. It doesn't mean that I hate you, it just means that I think differently of you than I do other people. If you choose to take it the wrong way, then it's not my fault.

Anyway, I'll blog tomorrow about how my first day of classes went!


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