Sunday, June 10, 2012

Vacation Blog Entry 2


I hung out with my best friends last night. My mom's friend came down with his son and step son. I'll admit; the step-son is really cute. Anyway. It was my friend, me, and him. He (who does have a name. Let's call him...Ski) drove us to her place and we all hung out with my friend's husband. Lyzz and Vox crashed around... 12:45am, so me and Ski drove around until 2 or 3 in the morning. Did you know that the street's are empty at those times? Which means only THREE things are open. a 7-11, Jack in the box, and Wal-Mart. Sigh.

So I have a crush on Ski. I do. Once we got back to the hotel, I asked, "Do you have a girl waiting for you back home?" he said, "I'm trying to make things work out with my ex-girlfriend" I asked him what was wrong and he told me. We walked into the hotel and to the room I was staying in. I knocked on the door and my mom answered, but shut the door. I turned to him and I said, "Well, if things don't work out, I'll be here. Hit me up" and he said, "Yeah, I will" (*Part of me is hoping that it DOESN'T work out with him and his ex because I wanna be with him, but on the other hand, I hope it does, because he deserves to be happy--even if it isn't with me. *Sighs**)

So we got back to the hotel and we hung out for a little while longer and then we both went to our rooms and went to sleep.


I got up around...8:45am. I thought that they already left, so I threw off the covers, jammed my shoes on my feet and let the room--only to discover that they were still sleeping. Lol. So I went back to my room, showered, woke up some more, and packed up all my crap. Mom and I went over to Ken's room and woke him up. Told him that breakfast ended at 9.30 (But the lady was nice enough to keep it open for 10 more minutes) and we went back to his room and woke the boys up. Ski was harder to wake up, but he woke for "Biscuits and Gravy"

I walked over to the Chevron station across the street and got me a Monster and Ski a Red Bull. Walked back to the hotel, sat next to Ski and said, "Here. Have a morning present". He kind of had a confused look on his face, but laughed and smiled when he saw the Red Bull. (*See, I'm a nice friend :) *)

He finishes breakfast and he goes and has a cigarette, so I join him and we started talking and I think I said something about not seeing each other for awhile and he said, "We'll be seeing more of each other once our parents get together"


So mom and I were getting ready to leave, so we were saying our goodbye's and whatever, I was walking with Ski and mom just motioned me the other way. Ski and I stopped and I told him I'd see him around. He hugged me and told me to have fun and a safe trip. I hugged him back. (*I'll admit. I loved being hugged by him. And this is coming from a person who doesn't like to be touched or hugged. But for him, I'll make an exception :) *)

So I gave him my number and my Facebook stuff. I told him that there were Auction's that happened every other weekend (*I think*) in Hermiston and I told him that I usually go and he sounded interested. So once me and mom left, I texted him and told him that my mom's friend is having a yard sale this weekend and that I'll be there Friday night and asked if he wanted to chill and hang out. He replied back to tell him when or where it is and he'll see if he can go. So I told him the address. I'm thinking of texting him tomorrow and asking if he wanted to meet and G&J's (*My mom's friend and her hubby own the place. It's a burger joint*) on maybe...Friday or something. Maybe mom could drop me off at Ken's apartment or something... So that we could hang out there.

I really wanna tell him that I like him and stuff. But, I told him that I was available and to hit me up if it didn't work out with his ex. He sounded interested.

Once Ski and I left Lyzz and Vox's place last night, I figured that he'd just drive us back to the hotel and that was that. He got hungry and we drove around to find a place for him to eat. Jack in the box. Once he did that and got another Red Bull, we just drove around and talked about stuff. The atmosphere was very comfortable. (*I dunno... To me, it seemed...natural, I guess*) He lives in Bend, OR (*Where I was going to go to college in the first*) and I live in W^2, WA. He's not leaving until July to go back to school and such.

Mom and I arrived at Seaside at 3:20pm... I realized that after shopping and coming back to the hotel room, there's NOTHING TO DO. I am SO. FUCKING. BORED. I had such a good time last night, that now... Pfft... I dunno... *sighs*. I wanna hang out with Ski some more. It's nice to hang out with someone near my own age (*He's in his 20's*).

I'll stop talking about Ski and whatever's.

I'm sitting in my hotel room and I realize that I. Didn't. Pack. The. Ramen.
Did you just read that?
I. Didn't. Pack. The. Ramen
Plus, no vending machine's that the hotel (*None that I've seen*)
Damn. Foiled again


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