Sunday, August 19, 2012


Rant: I miss my friends. I'm tired of being their place mat. I'm tired of keeping my fucking mouth shut. A lot of you are probably going to say that I should just move out. With what? Get a job? How about I go to college and then transfer out? Seeing as they want me to fucking move out anyway. God dammit. I'm pissing myself off. Maybe I should just go for a walk to the park across the street. But it's dark time. I never leave the house after dark by myself. People are out to get you... Or something.

I'm tired of being bitched and nagged out. "Rio do this", "Rio do that", "Rio, can you...", "Rio, could you...", "Rio, do a better job" and on, and on, and ON!!!!! I thought about just walking away yesterday morning. I was up before everybody else and I seriously thought about it. Not like they'd notice I was gone anyway. Like they'd even fucking care. Fuck them. I wish they were dead.

You know, I bet if I were to die, they wouldn't even fucking care. They'd probably be like, "Oh. One less mouth to feed". Maybe I should take a bunch of sleeping pills and hope to God I don't wake up. I mean, seriously. What's in the future for me anyway? I'm constantly nagged at. I'm constantly bitched at. I'm constantly asked to do shit. It fucking pisses me off! I'm ONLY HUMAN FOR FUCKS SAKE!

I empty the dishwasher, I put fucking dishes INTO the dishwasher. I COOK dinner, I clear the table, I do laundry, I fold laundry, I wash counters. If something isn't done right, I get fucking bitched at. I feel fucking unloved. Like I was born for their convenience. Maybe I should change my name, grab whatever I need and just leave. Or maybe I should just kill myself. Nah, I like the other idea better. I feel like a damn housewife.

People keep telling me to move out. Maybe I should. /endrant


1 comment:

  1. Hey, Carlisle's always available, and we won't bitch your ass off. Well, unless it's ranting about jerkwad.
