Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Who here doesn't like summer? Granted, it's a time where all the brats, I mean, children, I mean... Well, younger people get out of school for three months (or two, if you begin school in August), but for me, I have a week off and then I'm BACK in school for summer quarter. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of being able to spend my ENTIRE summer sleeping in all day, staying up all night, doing absolutely NOTHING, but, I'm not a little kid or in high school anymore. I'm in college. 

Speaking of that, I head up to go to University in the Fall! Whoot Whoot! I just need to finish up my summer quarter here at the community college, (I have to take Statistics, ugh...lol). I'm not going into nursing, or education (I have NO patience for those little... *coughs* Ahem...), or business, etc. Who knows. NEVER EDUCATION. lol. Some people have the knack for it, I, however, do NOT. 

So it's the beginning of June. So much opportunity will present itself in July and on. I find out my rooming assignment (and who my roommate is!) in the middle of July, it's one step closer to finishing up my AA, and for to me leave home for the first time. We'll see if I sink or swim. 

CC graduation is coming up here on the 14th. Everybody has been asking me if I'm walking or not. My answer? NO! I'm NOT walking! Then THEY have the balls to be offended when I say no. They ask my why not, and my response is, "I'm not finished. If I'm going to walk for something, I want to be FINISHED." but then they say, "But plenty of people aren't finished and still walk". I say, "I want to be able to feel like I accomplished something to make myself feel proud. So I don't wake up and say, 'Oh. I didn't finish. I'm a freakin' failure". THAT shuts them up. *shrugs* My own prerogative, I guess. I don't know. 

Um... I think that's everything. Oh. Besides it's HOT AS BALLS OUTSIDE. Blah. I HATE HOT WEATHER. Give me SNOW and COLD WEATHER any day. Fuck this hot shit. 

Well, I guess that's all for now, folks!


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