Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Day 2: Easier

Hey all, 

So today is day 2. Today is easier than it was yesterday (Gods, was it!). I got my room change that I requested! I was worried that I wouldn't get it, but I did! I'm a double in the same hall that I had the triple! :D

If you wish, follow me on Twitter (I'm never really on Twitter, but all the same): @Rio_Donovoyn

It rained today. Well, tried to rain. Rain means that I can use the dryer to get my clothes done! Whoot! :D 
I try and wait for a rainy day to use said dryer. Makes it easier and I don't get bitched at. Sigh. 

Tomorrow is the last day for the clearing of the system. On Thursday (Day 4), I can begin to eat every 2 hours (Adkins bars, South Beach Diet Bars, stuff like that). I WILL LOSE THIS WEIGHT! 

Then in 2 weeks, I can begin to exercise. Well, another week after this one, anyway. I'm excited to begin to ride my bike and stuff! 

I've been drinking a TON of water. I got water flavors (0 carbs). Whoot! I got the flavor Blueberry Pomegranate. It's the MIO kind. 

I think that's all for the updates! 


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