Sunday, July 29, 2012


Soooooo... I know I haven't really posted anything in awhile... I've been busy.

My mom's fiancee is moving in on Tuesday (That's right, boys and girls, THIS Tuesday) and the uncle isn't even moved out yet... Urgh. This is going to be interesting.

I'm not going to Hermiston to help them. I need to stay at home and clean my room. I have a list a mile long and I've been stressed out.

I was talking with my friend on Yahoo Messenger last night and she kept telling me and telling me that she was tired and she wanted to go to bed, but we kept talking anyway... She went all feral on my ass and in some ways, I deserved it... I get bored and I get lonely. You can only talk with your stuffed animals so many times... lol. Anyway...

Maybe I'm the one who needs a reality check? Nah... My view of reality is just fine. I've had to hold back my comments and not argue back (Anybody who knows me, knows that I have NO filter), but lately... I've had to use my filter and I'm fucking tired of it! If I'm going to tell the truth, I'm going to tell it. Whether you wanna hear it or not.

But my one friend is dying of cancer and they can't do anything about it... So whenever I have problems, I always think of him because my problems are non-existent.

I've been journalling a hella lot lately... Writing stories, poems, etc. But I enjoy blogging too. Do I get comments? Fuck no... lol. Which is fine because I don't blog for other people's amusement. I blog because I enjoy doing it. Fuck who reads it.
