Tuesday, October 26, 2010


So...nothing to exciting happened today...

I was in 3rd period today and I usually sit by my guy friend, right? So I sit there today and this really annoying guy goes,

Annoying guy: "I was just wondering if we could go back to our original seating arrangement"
Friend: "No...I actually can't stand sitting there because of all the dumb fucks arriving"
Annoying guy: "Well, I was just wondering because I'm getting annoyed at her for just sitting there without asking or apologizing..."

He wants me to apologize?!? Is he fucking serious?!? Pu-lease. He gives me shit everyday. I mean, all he does is say random facts and tries to argue with the fucking teacher. Speaking of the teacher, I have another conversation.

Me: I was wondering if you had the worksheet for 12-2
Teacher: You had all of Friday to work on it...it's due today. Now, go away and sit down!
Me: I was just (fucking) wondering if you had the paper!
Teacher: SIT DOWN!!

Mental abuse. She told me that I'll never make it out in the business world because I have no discipline. Dude, what fucking teacher says that?!?

I HATE 3RD PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *bangs head against wall violently, sobbing* Why me?!?
And I can't switch out either...Don't ask why...it's complicated... D:

I was sitting in my 4th period CWP (Contemp. World Problems...12 grade History class you need to graduate...I have the coolest teacher!) and we're working on a European country map and we had all period to work on it yesterday, right? So this bitchy (she's in there for extra help, had her as a teacher last year when I was in Study Skills...) teacher kept TAKING MY ATLAS! I would go to reach for it and she takes it saying "Oh, I need to remember the countries..." Bitch, go get your fucking OWN! I'm TRYING to work!!! Fuck...

In my 5th period English, we're reading this book called The Other Wes Moore and it's really good, every body's suppose to be reading Chapter One...I'm on Part II, Chapter 4... ^_^' Eh....What can I say? I love reading...

Anywho...My friend is 'finally' doing my hair tonight! I might do Cruella Deville. (Only with Red and Black) Gonna look fucking TIGHT!

I want snow...I want snow...

Oh the weather is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
Since we have no place to go
Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow
Doesn't show signs of stopping
Brought some corn for popping...
When we finally kiss goodnight...


I'm going as a Vampire Neko...

Love and Peace.

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