Sunday, December 30, 2012


Well, like I've been saying before: All I have left in finishing my AA degree is:

3 sciences
3 gyms
Math 95
College level Math

I'm going to have trouble in the sciences, but the gyms are going to be easy. Here's what I'm figuring for Spring:

1 science
2 gyms
Math 95

The science is: 5 credits
The math is: 5 credits
The gyms are: 1 credit (each)

In total: 12 credits. That's not too bad. I had that for Fall.

For winter, text books cost me: $333.64

Been staying up all night and sleeping all day. Hmm. Kind of like a vampire.
School is approaching fast. Thank. God.

Kimi and Nathan didn't come pick up the brat for the weekend because they were "Sick". If they wanted him that damn bad, they couldn't came and got him!  Ugh. Well, I go back to school before he does, so that means I get to get out of the house and not baby sit!

My mom did something nice for me today: Kenny wanted to go out and get more firewood and asked if I could babysit (I was sleeping). Mom said that I couldn't because I was "sick". So mom stayed home and babysat. Wow... That's cool. :)

Blagh. More later.
Well, I'll leave you with a parting quote:

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light."
--Albus Dumbledore 


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