Friday, January 7, 2011

Sleepless Night

Thank GOD it's Friday. I can so take a nap when I get home today. :)

My uncle was admitted in the hospital-- again. He had a cat scan done, so my mom will see what's going on tomorrow with that. *sigh* The people there probably know them by first name.

I'm very, very tired. Damn sleep insomnia! Grr!

Ana and Shan seem to have repaired a very minor fraction of their relationship... *sighs* If they can get a semi- relationship going, like Dave and Shi have, then I'll be happy... 

Aaliyah... she's very quiet, shy and she has a bit of a stuttering problem. She's really polite and minds her manners. She just likes to sit back and observe. She's smart, though. Really addicted to skittles. She doesn't like being called "Lilone". Hates it. She prefers to be called "Aali" or "Liyah" but only her close friends/family get to call her "LiLi". She's 8 and she has medium blonde hair, which is always up in a pony or braided. She has bluish green eyes with glasses. She's telepathic. (*Meaning she can read people's thoughts*) but she can't communicate with it. She just hears their thoughts. She has yet to determine if she wants to be a were or not. She gets real embarrassed at things, (*I.E. Sex, talking about sex...etc.*). She prefers to be left alone and hangs out in her room, listening to her music. She's a big of a music junkie.

But, she has yet to take the news of her daddy being Bi. She seemed...fairly calm when he told her last night... She'll probably avoid him for a few days, then talk to him... Or not bring it up at all. She's for gay marriage and such. She said it just hits to close to home.


Ugh. Today's gonna suck. *sighs softly* Oh well.
I'm off to shower.
More later.


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