Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Top Five Annoying Things that Annoy Rio

Hey all,

This is going to be a sort of... "different" blog than usual. Why? This is the top FIVE things that bother me.

1: Talking while I'm reading: 

For the LOVE OF GOD! If you see that I'm reading, do NOT talk to me. Hell, don't even APPROACH me. Leave me alone until I'm done with the book, or finished reading for the day and have moved onto something else. Do not as me if anything is wrong because I'm not respond to you, and certainly DO NOT TOUCH ME! I was sitting in class and this is what happened to me. The guy clearly saw that I was reading and he patted my back and I'm like, "WHAT?!" and his reply? "I wanted to make sure that you were okay. You weren't responding to me." I then looked at him and snarled, "Can't you see that I'm reading? I don't want to talk to you or anybody right now. Why can't you fucking understand that?!" Ugh. So. Annoying. So, lesson here is: If you see me reading, go the other way unless we have plans and I'm waiting for you, and certainly, DO NOT TOUCH ME! 

2: Laundry after a specific time:

My floor (minus one person) came up with the plan to NOT do laundry after 10:30 because of how bad the dryer echos. Does this person follow it? NO! She claims she has clinicals and has "Spit and other stuff on my uniform." Bitch, you're a nurses bitch. You're not dealing with patients or anything, so why you gotta wash your clothes every night? Then she claims that she gets back late and can't do laundry doing the day, blah, blah, blah. My CA told her that it was talked about at the mandatory floor meeting when we all got back (But she wasn't there... Obviously), and she doesn't have Facebook. She then proceeded to tell us to get noise cancelling headphones or just deal with it. She wasn't even willing to compromise. Now? I have to wait until I can go to bed because this fucking disrespectful bitch can't do her laundry before 10:30.

3: Waking me up super early in the morning:

I have an 8am class MWF, and I have to get up at 6:50. I know, I know. That doesn't seem early to you, but I'm a night owl and I'm not a morning person. When you talk at this ungodly hour in the morning and wake me up before I'm caffeinated? Beware. Run away. Run far, far, away. Then when you proceed to talk to me? Oh, FORGET IT! Sigh.

4: People who talk about their own personal experiences in class:

NOBODY GIVES A SHIT! Honestly. I'm sitting there in class rolling my eyes half the time because people just tend to babble on. What's the point? Are you going to get to the point soon? If not, THEN WHY ARE YOU TALKING?! Nobody cares about you or your personal experiences. Nobody cares. NOBODY. Except you. STOP IT ALREADY. So stupid.

And lastly...

5: People who stop in the middle of the walk way: 

Can you not see other people coming? Why do you have to stop in the middle of the walk way? You're only in the way. Why? Why? WHY?! Sigh. I don't understand you people. Then you get pissed when we say, "MOVE! You're in the way!" For fucks sake... STAND SOMEPLACE ELSE! Stupid people.

Anyway... Sorry, this was more of a rant or whatever than anything. I have more that bother me (obviously), but every now and again, I feel like bitching and venting. I can't help it. Well, actually, I can. Anyway...


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