Saturday, March 12, 2011

Words of...

Ah. How our time here is dwindling significantly. The lines you drew are taunting my every word, my every move as I try to grow closer to you. Time, it seems has other plans. The fate of knowing that we will not always be near one another tugs at my heart in only a way that it can truly hurt without having any pain. You, my darling have your friends, while I have mine. You, my darling have your circle and I do not have one. Dare I say that I am jealous? Nay, I shall not say that because then I would be lying. It is quite the opposite. In fact, my darling, I am quite happy for you. I hope you have a grand time with your friends. Life in this world is limited and while people have tons of friends, I merely have one or two. Having nothing in common with the others makes my life insignificant. For I know that I have nothing in common with your circle or your friends. This harsh, brutal fact shakes my soul in ways that I cannot imagine. I shall move on from this insignificant life and eventually find my own group or circle to which I hope to attain. But until then, I shall continue to sit and stare, wishing and hoping for the life that I have always wanted. My darling, you are quite the lucky one. Forever living your life with smiles and laughter, while I, life my life in the pits of loneliness. Forever doomed, forever trapped. For this is my story, I hope it treats you well.

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