Monday, August 1, 2011

First ranting of August 1st!

AUGUST 1st! I've been on a "King of the Hill" Marathon kick...
Onto the ranting:
Well, I wish I could say that I wasn't officially FUCKED. Stupid mother fuckers from Idaho is taking waaaay to fucking long to send in my final test and I'm running out of time for my final test. I'm sick and tired of waiting and if they don't exempt me from like... 2 credits or something for one stupid basic math class, I'm going to explode and break into the school vault and steal my own fucking diploma. I really hate to say this, but I wish that I had graduated instead of my friend. I'm at least going somewhere with my future and she's just staying home taking care of her soon to be born child.
I haven't heard from my father in a few months... weeks... days... Like I care? Or should I? Oh well. Oh! I got back in touch with a good friend of mine from 8th grade. I dunno... Anyway, back to my annoyed ranting.
I mean, going to Bend, OR wasn't my first choice in going to college at all. My first choice was going back to Minnesota and going to college near friends and whatever, but everybody else thought that they had "convinced" me to go to college near home because they think that I can't make it out on my own... which pisses me off because then I can't prove to them that I am a unique individual. I'm NOT getting stuck in the fucking Washington/Oregon area the rest of my fucking life... I'd like to move to Ireland or maybe Texas? Somewhere where I won't be with people who tell me what to do all the time. They think that they can "conform" me like some fucking religion and it pisses me off. I'm not THEIR little puppet or THEIR little bitch that they can control or whatnot.
Oh! and another thing that pisses me off the most is that my friends keep asking my mom for pills (which at first was okay) but then they just kept asking and asking and then they asked me to sneak them some or whatever and I did... My friend owes me 20 bucks and she keeps forgetting. My friends fiancee is the lead singer in his band called "Nazfiratu" and he keeps fucking up his head with his mic and he just looks at me and asks for some fucking pain pills. He has to sell his because he "needs the money". Well, fuck! IF YOU WOULD STOP SELLING YOUR FUCKING PILLS, MAYBE YOU WOULDN'T HAVE ANY FUCKING PAIN AT ALL YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER!!! and he's totally demanding of my friend. For example: My friend (who shall rename nameless in this rant) got offered a piece of land and the first words out of his mouth were "I guess I'll have to quit the band" or when our friends might move up to Bellingham, WA, the first words out of his mouth were "I guess the bands over". What a fucking PRICK! He's only thinking about himself and his fucking band that's going NOWHERE! They're all talk and they won't do anything. Good fucking GOD! Thank God I'm getting out of here as soon as I fucking can, y'know? I mean, I have alot to say and I don't really fucking care if they both read this or not, it's my opinion and I hope that it hurts their feelings, honestly. They need to quit relying on other people and start relying on themfuckingselfs! It's getting to the point to where they practically live at my own house. I mean, sure, it was okay in the beginning but I mean, I'm not even that fucking rude or whatnot and I don't go bulling around my friends, even if it is just joking around.  Next time he takes things to fucking far, I'm just going to growl "Keep your fucking hands off me!" and/or shove him. I'm tired of all his (he too shall rename nameless) fucking bullshit and whatnot. He's a good friend, but sometimes they both take things way to far.
In other new, (Now that I think I've got it all out of my system): I can't sleep anymore! (Well, I can, sometimes, lol) I've been staying up all night and sleeping all day and I'm getting pissed off about it because then I'm tired and have 0 energy to do anything.
Oh. did I mention that my mom and uncle are going to be smoking in the house now? They made our apartment building an "Smoke-free zone" Great... Just what I fucking need. My immune system is shit already... It's like Marshall all over again... I can't wait until I move out.
I'm running out of things to rant about... Which is probably good because I feel alot better now that I bitched to the choir.

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