Friday, December 31, 2010

Read Me.

Sweet death, how you make such a tempting offer. To join you for all eternity into the sweet oblivion. No worries, not a care in the world. All you had was time... To make it my own personal heaven. Ah, how I wish I could be there right now... Basking in the happiness of what you have to offer me.

I put on quite a show, don't I? Laughing and smiling, when deep down, I'm hurting inside... My core is numb and I can't feel anything but pain... Once again, the darkness has me in it's clutches. I cried 5 times today... All of which I do not know why, but the pain in my chest is quiet self explanatory.

I try not to worry you... So I'll put on the show... Tell you I'm happy, cause I know what you'll say. "Suck it up. People have it worse than you do!" or something along those lines.

But wait...
Is that..
A sliver of hope?

He's patient
He's strong
He loves me.
He's by my side
He's not going away.
He's stubborn.

Fuck, both of 'em are.


My lion man,


I'm sorry... This struggle is always constantly upon me. The darkness clutches my soul. I let you see what I want you to see.

I get so caught up in one love, I forget about the rest.


I want you to know that I love you, that I always will. I'm sorry for ignoring you... Our time together is something I cherish. My sweet venom... How you bring a smile to my lips. When I stay up late, like I am today, I sit and I watch you sleeping... How off guard you are, making it easy for me to just slit your throat... but I don't think or do such things, for you are my life... Apart of my soul.
How you piss me off so easy. The IED only makes it worse, making me want to wrap my hands around your throat and squeeze...Making it so you can't breath anymore. So you're out of this plain of existence. But I don't. I love you... Those three little words that could break anybody. I don't say it often enough, only because I'm not that type of girl.



You know I love you. My sweet vengeance. You're probably tired of hearing it, so I stop saying it less. Sleepless nights are becoming more frequent, controlling my everything thought...every breath I draw, every blink I make... I'm its slave. I watch you sleeping... You're so peaceful...All relaxed and not having a care about whats going on around you. I sit next to you and stroke your hair, a soft smile placed on my lips. I sometimes wonder what life would have been like if Kane hadn't brought me back... I'm not going to dwell on it, only because you don't want to hear it.


My sweet heat. How wicked you are. Silent...Always remaining in the shadows... Like a predator stalking it's prey. Only... Who is your prey tonight? Will I always be your "Lil Thing?" For constantly moving foreword.
Choose wisely. For the games, have officially begun.
Lil thing.

And last, but not least,


My wicked lion man. How your arms welcome me whenever we embrace. The beat of your heart against my ear... The heat from your body lulls me to sleep... The sound of you laughing, brings a smile to my lips and makes my heart beat a little faster. I'm sorry for ignoring you... For the times we do share together brings me much joy.

I only wish I didn't have to choose... But can I make all three of them mine?
Or, shall I say...
Make both of them mine? (*Seeing as Mark is already mine*)

The games have officially begun.
Choose wisely.

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